Newbie in Decatur, AL


In the Brooder
6 Years
Nov 18, 2013
Decatur, AL
Hello all!

I don't even know where to begin except to say that I was bitten by the chicken bug a couple of years ago, but at the time I was in an apartment in a town that does not allow urban chickens. Last year I spotted a house in my husband's home town with a quarter acre yard, put in a bid, won, and found out that chickens were allowed in town. I have been plotting ever since. I am currently in the research and book-reading phase, and I THINK I have a pretty good idea of what breeds I want to get, and how many chickens I want to have (to start with? I've heard about chicken math!)

Originally I wanted to have chickens and coturnix quail but I'm also thinking that some bantam breeds might satisfy the need for small eggs as well. Would there be issues if I have bantam and regular chickens together? I'm looking at a total of (only) 6-8 birds so I want to have as much variety as I can get and still meet my needs for eggs :D

Anyway, I'm having a blast reading all my books and daydreaming and plotting. Hopefully soon I will be on my way to building a coop and run.

Happy to be here!
Hello from Oregon & welcome to BYC. From what ive seen on here & a few friends on mine they can live together. My flock is mixed but all standard size. There is great info in the learning center tabs above. A total of 6-8 is fine unless chicken math takes over lol - Best of luck
Bantam breeds like Silkies may not stand up well to LF, one good peck to the head and bye bye silkie. Due to their vaulted skulls they are very suspectible to head injury, also their big crests and beards obscure their vision, so they aren't good at avoiding danger or fighting back. Otherwise lots of banties and LF are raised side by side. In fact tiny Seramas are like the Chihuahua of chickens - big attitudes, small bodies. I would think bantie cochins would do well also.
We have a silkie and two silkie cross frizzles with salmon favorelles and they all get on fine. In fact one of the frizzles is actually top chicken :)
Maybe if you want to mix something like silkies do some research on gentle breeds like the favorelles so there aren't too many pecking issues.

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