Newbie needs help!

The ramp might be your problem. My ducks never go into their coop at night until I go out and heard them in. But I just get them moving in the direction of the door and close it behind them. I can see how getting them all to climb up that ramp would be a challenge. I'd put walls around the bottom of the coop and let them make their home in there. You'll have an easier time getting them in a ground level door. Your run sounds predator proof enough that, personally, I wouldn't worry about locking them inside a physical building at night but that's just me. I don't know what kind of predators you've got in your neighborhood.
I'm not so much worried about predators as I sm them staying warm. Pretty sure we're just gonna close off the bottom as you said. Then I'll have some ducks up top and some on the bottom. Like a duck apartment! Lol. We like in lower michigan and live in the woods, 5,000 acres of state land behind us. We have lots of predators. No issues so far but as we all know, as it gets colder and snow comes, they'll get hungrier
I sure will
Duck apartments

We live in Northwestern Minnesota so we get pretty cold winters too. Our birds always have 24/7 access to the outside if they choose it. Last year the ducks stayed outside quite a lot except on the very coldest days. We only ever force everyone inside and shut the pop door when a strong blizzard is coming with low temps. And we do put a heat lamp in the coop when the temp inside starts dropping below zero.
I would think if you bedded the bottom "apartment" nice and thick their body heat should keep things pretty cozy inside. A friend of mine swears by the blue board insulation.
Good to know. I have been told many times to not worry about my ducks for the winter. But it's the mama in me, I can't help but still worry. It's hunting season here and my hubby is devoted to the woods right now. Hoping I can steal 2 hours of his time to close off the bottom
"Apartment" for them this week. Thank you for all the advice. I'm sure once I make it thru my first winter, I'll be just fine for the years to come. I just love my birds. My ducks and chickens.
The really cold days can be tough for you. But, just remember that they're wearing down coats. And, it's arguably more cruel to bring them in some place really warm when it's super cold out and then kick them back outside when it warms up a little. (I'm talking about -20s and negative teens here...) They aclimate to the cold quite well. The first winter is the hardest.
I had the same issue with my ramp, I extended it to lessen the pitch/just made it less steep (if that makes sense) so my girl ellie could get in. After a week of "shooing" she had it down pat. She sits and waits for me to come close the door at night now. As for the cold... Search me... I am a rookie duck owner as well I am in southwest ontario and winters easily stay at -15C without the windchill (down to -30 with windchill). My lone llittle duck is in a 3x4 coop of reclaimed fence wood and 2x4s. It is off the ground by about 2.5 feet, east facing and the door is shut each night when she goes to bed.I stuffed all the summer vents with old t shirts and screwed plywood over the windows. It is full of straw and I bring out water and food each night when I shut her in. She has a pool with a windbreaker and livestock weighted heater she can hang out in during the day. I just worry that she wil be chilly all by herself and wonder if I should put her in a crate in my garage at night for warmth... good luck with the apartment!
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I had the same issue with my ramp, I extended it to lessen the pitch/just made it less steep (if that makes sense) so my girl ellie could get in. After a week of "shooing" she had it down pat. She sits and waits for me to come close the door at night now. As for the cold... Search me... I am a rookie duck owner as well I am in southwest ontario and winters easily stay at -15C without the windchill (down to -30 with windchill). My lone llittle duck is in a 3x4 coop of reclaimed fence wood and 2x4s. It is off the ground by about 2.5 feet, east facing and the door is shut each night when she goes to bed.I stuffed all the summer vents with old t shirts and screwed plywood over the windows. It is full of straw and I bring out water and food each night when I shut her in. She has a pool with a windbreaker and livestock weighted heater she can hang out in during the day. I just worry that she wil be chilly all by herself and wonder if I should put her in a crate in my garage at night for warmth... good luck with the apartment!
Be sure to give her a bit of ventilation for her health up top close to roof. and why just one duck?[don't worry we here on BYC love to encourage, poor girl needs some friends][ it's really called enabling]
but honestly more ducks will keep each other warmer. I'd put a crate in the garage.

AND Welcome to BYC
Be sure to give her a bit of ventilation for her health up top close to roof. and why just one duck?[don't worry we here on BYC love to encourage, poor girl needs some friends][ it's really called enabling] ;)   but honestly more ducks will keep each other warmer. I'd put a crate in the garage.

AND Welcome to BYC :)

I previously kept 2 chickens but did not want to winter them. I had an empty coop, heard a friend had 1 lone duck he didn't want (6 originally but 5 were killed by his neighbours dog/coyote) . I just got her mid October and I don't know of anywhere to get a duck at this time of year... I am planning on getting some "friends" in the spring (depending on how miss ellie weathers). I guess she will be bunking in the garage (to my boyfriends displeasure). Thanks for the encouragement.
I previously kept 2 chickens but did not want to winter them. I had an empty coop, heard a friend had 1 lone duck he didn't want (6 originally but 5 were killed by his neighbours dog/coyote) . I just got her mid October and I don't know of anywhere to get a duck at this time of year... I am planning on getting some "friends" in the spring (depending on how miss ellie weathers). I guess she will be bunking in the garage (to my boyfriends displeasure). Thanks for the encouragement.
So sweet of you to take her in, maybe look on craigslist or equivalent sometimes people just want to get rid of their ducks this time of year,what breed is Miss Ellie, how old? and would love to see some pics when you can. If you find some ducks to adopt we will walk you through the transition of getting them all to accept each other, we have found out it takes patience and time to get ducks to accept each other and become 1 flock.

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