Newbie needs help!

My lone llittle duck is in a 3x4 coop of reclaimed fence wood and 2x4s. It is off the ground by about 2.5 feet, east facing and the door is shut each night when she goes to bed.I stuffed all the summer vents with old t shirts and screwed plywood over the windows. It is full of straw and I bring out water and food each night when I shut her in. She has a pool with a windbreaker and livestock weighted heater she can hang out in during the day. I just worry that she wil be chilly all by herself and wonder if I should put her in a crate in my garage at night for warmth... good luck with the apartment!
Is your garage heated? If it is then I would not bring her in at night. Unless you want her to stay in the garage all winter. The shock of going from warm garage to fridgid cold winters can be very stressful. We live in northern MN and have similar weather to yours. Your duck house sounds nice and snug, some ventilation is good up near the roof, like Miss Lydia said. And, keep a lot of straw in there so she can snuggle down and keep herself warm. There have been a few times where we've needed to bring a bird into our garage (heated) to treat it for injuries or if they're *really* having a hard time with the cold. If they stay inside for any length of time (overnight or longer) then I'm always very careful about when I put them back outside. You know how it is, when you walk out of the house on a cold day and the first few minutes are the worst until you start to adjust to the cold.
If your garage is unheated and you do decide to bring her in make sure the crate is well bedded because the garage won't be that much warmer than her house is. But, it might be a good option on those days with crazy cold windchill or if there's a blizzard coming.

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