Newbie question - duck droppings

we hold our ducks with the claoca facings outwards (the ducks back on our shoulders) and we call them Butt-Zookas!
Never. I repeat - *NEVER* - hold a duck with it's butt facing upwards. Their projectile capabilities combined with gravity can lead to incidents requiring a load of laundry and a shower. Learned that one the hard way....
I witnessed Duck_feeders unfortunate poo shower... He was holding victor with his butt straight up in the air hoping that lack of gravity would help stop him from pooing (much like how a sitting hen can "hold it" until she stands up)... he was wrong. lol.... there was poo everywhere....
I know thus us an old thread but.....

Up until yesterday my two week old duckling has eaten nothing but chick crum (not medicated). Yesterday I gave it peas and a bit of egg, this morning it's passing thick brown runny poos that small worse than any poo it's produced so far. I'm hoping this is pretty normal
I know thus us an old thread but.....

Up until yesterday my two week old duckling has eaten nothing but chick crum (not medicated). Yesterday I gave it peas and a bit of egg, this morning it's passing thick brown runny poos that small worse than any poo it's produced so far. I'm hoping this is pretty normal
Yep just like a baby when offering new foods. be sure to always have a bowl of chick grit available for them when giving anything other than their chick crum, they have to use grit to process their food.
I get that too... one hen a day (typically one of the runners) can't wait to get out, and poops a huge wet, green mess (SMELLY!) and to make it more delightful, she gets about 2 more feet away, does it again, and with a big fart. Feeding primarily layer feed, water, some brewer's yeast and foraging as much as I can let them a few hours a day.

Should I be concerned? SO THANKFUL she is not doing this in the night coop!

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