Newbie question - Pullet turns in to a "hen" at what age?


8 Years
May 20, 2011
Southern Utah
I've read a few places (while looking to buy my first hatching eggs) that sellers say things like "no pullet eggs included" and "all eggs are from hens who have been laying for months". So knowing that it's not ideal to hatch eggs from newly laying girls, my question is : how long does a pullet have to be laying before she's considered a "hen" that would lay good hatching eggs?

A pullet is usually under a year old.
I have had pullets go broody on me and hatch out chicks, so don't think that pullet eggs are unhatchable. I think the fertility depends on the rooster- if he is new at "loving", he might be missing the mark.

Like lilBizzy says, a "pulllet is a female chicken under one year old" according to my Storey's Guide to Raisisng Chickens by Gail Damerow. -- One reason I think that pullet eggs are considered less desirable for hatching is that they are smaller..... A roomier egg may give the chick a beter environment to develop.

Once my pullets started laying, I started calling them hens..... thinking pullets are pre-laying and hens are laying.... but I guess that wouldn't apply at all the the 'no pullet eggs' advertisement.
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Yeah for APA and show purposes, a pullet is a female under one year of age. Most do call theirs hens once they start laying though.
Your pullets first eggs may be 1/2 to 1/3 the size of a normal egg. After they reach "normal" size, I don't know how in the world anyone could tell the difference. In marketing, you are taught to differentiate yourself. "No Pullet eggs" might be one of these marketing ideas.

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