Newbie question - Why do chickens go inside the coop at night?


11 Years
Sep 22, 2008
Is it because they don't see well at night? Maybe because it's just instinct? I'm just curious.

I just ordered an automatic door for our ladies....they are 7ish week old banty ladies and have been kept inside their 10X12 hen house until now. I just want to make sure that when the light sensing device is set to close, they are all inside! How dark should it be before the door closes?
Yes...they cannot see at night and instinctively know that their coop is the safest place to be. So they will usually head to the coop as the sun starts to set. By sundown, they should all be inside the coop. Occasionally I'll have one that stays out...but it's usually the silver spangled hamburg and she's very flighty...probably couldn't find the coop!!

If you go out later and there is someone who didn't make it in, they'll likely be right by the door and you can just reach down and pick them up.
I just picked up some adult girls last weekend to add to my flock, and 2 of them chose not to go at all last night! Apparently I don't count so well... because I didn't notice when I closed up the others. Well they were out squaking to get in this morning! How do I teach this girls what's "normal"?!
I have 5 turkens, 1 old english, and 12 austrolops that sleep in the trees. I used to get them down every evening, but they would just go higher. My others will go in the coops like good chickies, but those few won't budge.
I was a completely bad chicken mommy last night, I had closed the door to the coop earlier in the day, and forgot to open it later in the afternoon.

I took the dog out about 6:30pm and the girls were "crying" to get in the coop!! All sitting on the little porch by the door!! Bad Mommy!!!
Newbie question - Why do chickens go inside the coop at night?

Because they don't want to cross the road.

sorry couldn't help myself.
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For the first few nights after moving my teenaged chicks to the hen house from their juvenile quarters I actually put them in one at a time when they all hunkered together at sundown. After that they all went in by themselves and I would close the sliding door to the outside. One evening I actually placed each of them up on their roosting bars so they would "get it" and not roost on the floor.

It's all automatic now. As for egg laying I'm not going to be able to demonstrate for them.
Maybe it's because my girls are still new to their home, but those ding dongs don't go outside all day despite their door being open. The moment I get home they're all like - ohh it's the lady that feeds us treats, it's cool to go out now. Unfortunately I get home late so they only get an hour or two of outside time. Dummies.

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