Newbie to posting on the forum


Aug 11, 2019
Middle Tennessee
HI everyone,

I have been lurking around the board for a long time, learning and growing as a chicken mom and should have said hello a long time ago. I have 13 chickens, 10 hens and 3 cockerels in a bachelor pad. We haven't determined which of the boys we want to introduce just yet. They are just getting to the cranky age and we want to see how committed to destroying shins each one is before we do. We have had hens for about 3 years and the boys we got on my 3rd attempt to hatch our own this summer. Shipped egg failures are just too hard on my heart. Never again. Anyway, I am interested in genetics, more because I am nosey than because of any real plans right now. I have a grab bag of breeds/barn yard mixes. Sapphire Gems, Speckled Sussex and Easter Eggers for the girls, and it is anyone's guess what the boys are (Lavender Ameraucana/Easter Egger mix with a delightfully full beard, A Rhode Island Red mix with odd gray feathers and red lacing and our black soap bubble sheened boy that may have Barnevelder...and that is what makes it so interesting because every one of my chickens looks different (except my Sapphires lol) Looking forward to talking with you all now that I have popped my head up lol. Thank you for being here all through my silent times, this forum has been my go to for all things chicken, humor/health questions and just to see your own beautiful feathers families.
HI everyone,

I have been lurking around the board for a long time, learning and growing as a chicken mom and should have said hello a long time ago. I have 13 chickens, 10 hens and 3 cockerels in a bachelor pad. We haven't determined which of the boys we want to introduce just yet. They are just getting to the cranky age and we want to see how committed to destroying shins each one is before we do. We have had hens for about 3 years and the boys we got on my 3rd attempt to hatch our own this summer. Shipped egg failures are just too hard on my heart. Never again. Anyway, I am interested in genetics, more because I am nosey than because of any real plans right now. I have a grab bag of breeds/barn yard mixes. Sapphire Gems, Speckled Sussex and Easter Eggers for the girls, and it is anyone's guess what the boys are (Lavender Ameraucana/Easter Egger mix with a delightfully full beard, A Rhode Island Red mix with odd gray feathers and red lacing and our black soap bubble sheened boy that may have Barnevelder...and that is what makes it so interesting because every one of my chickens looks different (except my Sapphires lol) Looking forward to talking with you all now that I have popped my head up lol. Thank you for being here all through my silent times, this forum has been my go to for all things chicken, humor/health questions and just to see your own beautiful feathers families.
Welcome to BYC!!
Great that you decided to join! Welcome to BYC!

BTW, I have all the same breed girls as you (and then some!). Of all my girls, the hardest to tell apart were the Gems -- the one who passed away had one dark spot on her side, otherwise, she and her sister were identical.

Hope this community continues to help you raise your chickens in the best possible way!
Great that you decided to join! Welcome to BYC!

BTW, I have all the same breed girls as you (and then some!). Of all my girls, the hardest to tell apart were the Gems -- the one who passed away had one dark spot on her side, otherwise, she and her sister were identical.

Hope this community continues to help you raise your chickens in the best possible way!
Right? I have 3 Sapphires and right now the 3 year old is easy because her blue has faded some. With the other 2, they are sisters and 1 has a taller comb than the other. I don't know for sure they still have the same names they started with as littles but I am pretending they do lol.

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