Newbie wants to buy just a few eggs. :) amer, barne, BPR


In the Brooder
10 Years
May 19, 2009
Would anyone be able to sell me one Ameraucana, one Barnevelder, one Barred Plymouth Rock. Just a little sampler pack if you will. I don't need them right now but will pay to reserve them, delivery made for a month from now. If I could get them for $12 including shipping that would be great!
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I don't have any of these breeds but wanted to point out that you are really taking a gamble in only getting one of each kind, especially shipped. I would think it would be okay if you were able to pick them up locally, but shipped eggs aren't even guaranteed to survive shipping.

You might want to consider getting 3 of each at the very least to insure that you get one intact. Just my opinion here.
I agree..I'm doing my first hatch and started with 18 eggs in the I'm down to 8

Don't count your chickens before they hatch
I agree you need to start out with more eggs, especially shipped. If you've never incubated before, try finding some local eggs that don't have to be shipped. The odds of them hatching is much better and will make your first incubating experiance much more fun.
I would except I'm afraid I'll get a bunch and then they will ALL hatch and I will be stuck with a ton of chicks!
With hatching eggs always buy more than you think you'll need. Even if all of them hatch you can rehome them.
Agreed that you need more than just a few! So you will have some hatches.....If you end up with extras, I'm sure a fellow BYC'er will come to your rescue!

Here's a list of our current prices. I'll be glad for you to pick and choose. You do not need to order a full dozen of any one kind.

Thanks for your interest and I'd be honored to serve your needs. Have a blessed and happy evening!
Are you also prepared for 3 roos? Hatching is amazing, and very fun, but risky, expensive, and sometimes sad..
Best advice ever is
Don't count your chickens before they hatch..
I agree with everyone else! I had eggs shipped to me, a 8000mi trip and out of 63 eggs I have 22 left incubating, 1 chick and 1 duck...

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