Newbie with a Serama question!

Serama color genetics works just like any other breed. If you breed a splash to a black, it will produce a blue and breeding a white to white will produce white. The mistaken notion that "Serama don't breed true" comes from the fact that in Malaysia, where they originated, Serama are not bred for color. All colors are mixed, the only concerns are type and attitude. The original imports to the US from the early 2000s were all sorts of different colors but in order for Serama to be accepted by the APA and to be shown in cage, they have to fit in recognized color varieties, so the American Type Serama was born. Breeders have spent years perfecting color varieties in order for them to be shown in APA shows in-cage. Currently those are black, white, blue, splash, and exchequer. American type have the same body type as Traditional Serama but Traditional Serama can come in just about any color that exists in a chicken. Different colors and patterns are bred together and you get the box of chocolate variety hatches. So look for Traditional Serama if you want the color variety. BTW, those all white Serama you have are actually a pretty hot commodity in the show world. The Serama Council of North America website has a treasure trove of info about colors and type as well as caring for Serama and a list of reputable breeders.
Thank you so much, for the info!
I do wish we did shows up here in the great North. In my area of Ontario, Canada we do sales, but shows are limited to kids showing their chickens. Breed standards etc is not common in my area at all.
My guys and gals are definitely pet quality - they're cuties though!
Hi there!
I'm fairly new to figuring out genetics, (think approx a month worth of research) and im a bit stuck in regards to my Serama.
As far as I knew, there was no way Serama could "breed true". That was kind of the fun of them, they were like little surprise bags. Or eggs. Whichever.
Last year I received some hatching eggs that were labeled as "true white Serama" guaranteed to breed white only. I dismissed this, thinking someone a fool. However, all hatched white. Now they are only producing white offspring.
Am I the fool?!
Here i was expecting spots and colour and fabulousness and everyone is like a teeny tiny leg horn. How is this possible? I'm just learning about recessive and dominant white genes. Does this work with Serama?

Chicken tax for possibly being the genetic fool
Oh my goodness thank you for posting! I am new to Sarema's and want to start a breeding project to try and breed for show so standard would be important. I am having trouble finding good info could you please help with any good books or articles you found helpful thanks!!!

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