Newbie with Cayuga ducks!


Mar 12, 2015
Hey! Madeline here, a high-schooler planning out a spring duck-hatching. I'm new to all of this. My family has hatched chickens before with limited success; only one little chick made it. I plan on hatching Cayuga duck eggs, and would be very open to any hatching advice, duck advice, or more specific Cayuga duck advice! I'm excited to have found this site, it has been very helpful so far!! :)
Hi Madeline, nice to meet you. I'm not well informed on ducks but, if you go to "Other Backyard Poultry" forum you will find threads on geese and ducks,guineas, quail etc. The duck folks should be able to answer your questions.
Hi :welcome Madeline

Glad you could join the flock! Wishing you the very best of luck with your duck egg incubating. Hope you have a great hatch. I'm sure the experts over in the duck section will be able to help you with all your question.

Enjoy BYC :frow
glad you have joined us.

Good luck with your spring hatching.
Welcome to BYC! Go to the duck forum, I have the same questions! A lot of good info there! Hope that helps!

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