Newbie with lots of color and feather questions!


11 Years
May 23, 2012
Denver, CO
I am a first time chick owner and I love learning all about them. I have a mixed bag of mutt chicks, most of them came from blue/green eggs and I think one came from a brown egg (we hatched them in our classroom so I don't remember exactly). Now that they are growing feathers their colors are changing and I am so excited to see how they turn out, but the suspense is killing me and causing me to spend hours reading posts and comparing my chicks! Oh and I refer to all the chicks as "she"s just to not jinx myself. So my questions:
1. I have two chicks that were born black out of blue/green eggs. One was the last to hatch and is considerably smaller than the others, however, she has grown feathers at a very fast rate. She has the same amount of feathers that the chicks born the day before her do. Does this mean anything? I have read that with some breeds the females grow feathers faster. I really hope this one is a pullet.
2. The two black chicks are growing white feathers, is this barring? The bigger one, Olive, just started to get them on her chest but her wing feathers have a green tint in the sun, she is growing feathers very slowly. I am confused as to what she will look like. Has anyone had a chick like this? Does is mean something if it is just on her chest (btw she has become very bossy). The smaller one, Weeble, has the white more spread out. Pictures:


3. I have two chicks that were born with chipmunk stripes. One yellow the other brown. I have seen pictures of chicks kinda like them but I was wondering if anyone else has had chicks like these and what they grew up to look like. What is their coloring called? Also any thoughts on their tail feathers, I know it is early but I have to ask.


Thank you for humoring me and answering any questions. I am blown away with the amount of knowledge on these boards. I have learned a lot from everyone, thank you!
Judging from the combs and legs, looks like you might have some easter eggers there. The top two aren't barred, they'll just have black and white feathers.

I'm awful at sexing, but my guess is 1&2 are roos and 3&4 are pullets
My guesses are 1&3 are cockerels, 2 is a pullet, and 4 could go either way at this point.

x2 with this. They all look like Easter Eggers to me.

I agree with the sexing just by watching them, 4 (Matilda) is shy and not as bossy as some of the others. I have determined they are EE mixes from other posts, not sure what the cross is because they all have different combs.
What makes you think pullet or roo on these (I'm still learning)?
Also, does anyone have any ideas on their coloring? Is this the right board to ask about colors? I have so many questions but I don't want to be bothersome.
Thank you for the replies.
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