

May 26, 2015
Lino Lakes, MN
Hi All, We live in Lino Lakes, MN. About 15 miles north of Minneapolis.

My wife, 5 kids and I live on 29 acres with 3 dogs, 1 cat, 18 chickens and we usually have 4-6 horses whose owners lease pasture land.

My 9yo daughter came to us almost 2 years ago and asked for chickens, we told her that if she worked at the neighbors chicken coop until her 10th birthday and learned about caring for chickens we would get her a coop and 2 chickens for her birthday. We were pretty confident that once she had to clean up the messes that she would reconsider. 10 months later we were coop shopping and the neighbor gave her 2 chickens of her choice for all her hard work.

We became accidental chicken farmers. Suddenly the whole family was having fun with the chickens, they came when we called their names, they were fun to watch. So, when an opportunity to go in on a purchase of chicks we jumped on it.

We now have 16 8 weeks old chicks and the 2 originals. I just built my 1st chicken coop and attached an enclosed run to it (We have a lot of birds of prey around here).

So, our chicken adventure has really begun.
Hi, welcome to BYC!

Wow, sounds like you have quite the hobby farm!
I got my first own chicks when I was 12, and since then I've loved chickens! (and anything else with feathers, for that matter)
Good for your daughter
. I think that was a very wise decision to say she had to work at the neighbors coop, not only did she prove herself but, learned a lot in the doing. She persisted because she truly wants chickens.
Welcome to you all, glad you came to Backyard chickens.
Welcome to BYC. Glad you decided join our flock. Sounds like you daughter is well suited to raising chickens. Raising chickens is a wonderful experience for children. My granddaughter (pictured in my avatar) loves our chickens and we are all addicted to them. :eek:) Please feel free to ask any questions you may have. We are here to help in any way we can. Good luck with your flock.
I'm very proud of how responsible she's being. It's nearly a year into raising chickens and she does about 90% of the normal care and feeding. Even in the dead of winter she was out there making sure that they were ok, no matter how cold it was.

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