Newbies to the site


6 Years
May 27, 2013
Southeast Lake Charles, La
We are new to the site and love the help everyone gets when questions are asked. I made the mistake and let my wife go into a small animal auction while I was outside bidding on the material items (aka what my wife calls the junk sell). Next thing I know I have built an 8X8 enclosure for the 8 Australorp chicks she had bought. Dont get me wrong we discussed chickens just didnt know she would buy before I built, lol. Well just checking everything out thought I would write and see what goes on here.
Congratulations on the new chickens!!

Don't worry, a lot of people get the "cart before the horse" or literally the chickens before the coop. You are encouraged to build quickly this way.

A word of advice: Build bigger than you think you will need for just 8 chickens. Your wife might not be able to stop herself from buying more.

Chickens are addictive.
Hello from Oregon & welcome to BYC. Congrats on your new chicks
Good advice above "build big" - chicken math is sneaky
Welcome to BYC from California wine country in the Western Sierra Foothills!

Not only is this THE best place to come to learn how to do something or get ideas, it is a great place to come find out what you did wrong when you didn't check BYC first... And fix it! ;)

Sometimes I shudder to think what my flock might have endured had I not had BYC and its community of helpful, informative members.

Some of my friends are folks I have never met in person. Never in my wildest dreams would I have thought my life would be so enriched by chickens at age 56, when I picked up my first chicks.

May you have as much joy with your "first" chickens!
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