Newie here.


In the Brooder
Apr 22, 2015
We weren't exactly planning on venturing into the wonderful world of chickens for another year, but what can I say? When I find babies in need of rescuing, it's instinct to fly in and save them. I am now the mother hen of 15 silkie chicks. Oh dear Lord, what have I done....the cuteness overload is much stronger than I had expected.

About me; I've dabbled with birds so I have some basic knowledge of them. I've raised and bred snakes, mice, rats, fish, and dogs. My expertise are cats, as I've spent years working with fosters and orphans. Animals are just my thing.

Little about these peeps we acquired: There are 15 of them. They were listed as silkies and have 5 feathered toes so the description fits. They range from 5 days old to 1 1/2 weeks if the 'seller' was being honest. I can pick them up with on hand and they weigh next to nothing. Little fuzzy butt feathers are starting to come in, as well as on the wings (except for the 5 day old peep). After 2 days of coaxing, they're now starting to open up and venture around the outside pen I supervise them in. Since I don't work, I've spent 6-7 hours outside in the shaded pen with them. They have access to freshly trimmed grass (and insects that might be lurking on the ground), crumbles, grit, and an a solution of water to keep electrolytes up and the pen is 16'x16'. It's temporary will we get the real pen/coop up. We want to eventually get them free ranging in a larger enclosure.

We're now 3 days into having them, and so far, no deaths. Counting my blessings. I've heard horror stories of sudden death. They're very active and run around the pen, peeping and pecking away. They also like to flap their little wings and hop around; sometimes they even box each other. Oh...and the dust baths...they've finally learned how to do that after two days of flopping around like clumsy babies ;)

Oh, and I'm in the south, so the temps are between 70-85 degrees. They are brought inside when not supervised, but like I said, I've parked my bum in a reclining chair to guard them for the hours I have them outside. A nice book and the laptop at my finger tips and I'm set. My profile pic shows the peeps on day 2 in the pen.
Welcome to backyard chickens!!!

sounds like some lovely little babies!! I currently have 40 chicks and 9 duckling...wasn't supposed to have that many but well, you just sort of happened :) Thats great that you haven't lost any!! I've lost a couple, and it's always so sad!! :(
haha, we are similar, i've raised all kinds of animals, and whenever there is one in need of rescuing, i am parents are not in total agreement with rescuing everything, but they are pretty cool :) I've adopted and taken in plenty of stray cats and dogs...dogs are my expertise more than cats though. I LOVE snakes! what kind did you keep? lol, i miss the south sometimes, we were rasing chicks in the winter. We lived in a rural town in alabama, and there were so many homeless animals it seemed like a new puppy or kitten was showing up every week. i swear, i helped out at least 5 cats and 10 dogs (once i found a mother mini poodle with 2 puppies and another small freind running on the highway). Well, anyways, that was kind of long, sorry! Welcome again and good luck with your chicks!!
I LOVE snakes! what kind did you keep?

We had 18+ ball pythons, all kinds of morphs, and couple of nelsons milksnakes. I miss them. We had some unfortunate events that forced us to sell everything at the beginning of the year, but it was for the best. Maybe we can get into them again one day.
What a beautiful baby flock you have. Have you checked out our wonderful Learning Center

I have just started browsing around. thanks for the tip :)
And thank you to everyone else! :D
We had 18+ ball pythons, all kinds of morphs, and couple of nelsons milksnakes. I miss them. We had some unfortunate events that forced us to sell everything at the beginning of the year, but it was for the best. Maybe we can get into them again one day.
That's awesome! Ball pythons are so cool...i love all the different morphs that are available. I've never had nelsons...heard they are pretty cool. That's a bummer you had to's always sad to get rid of animals :(

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