Newly adult molting quail and the cold?


Jul 9, 2015
Ontario, Canada
Hey guys! Looking for some advice, I have a covey of four Coturnix quail who are just a few months old in different stages of molts. They're in a breezeway with some ratty old windows that I open on nice days - they shiver sometimes lately but still dust bathe, stretch out and flap around. They're particularly friendly and love to show off and be pet/cupped :p

I just checked the weather and it's getting to a low of 4 degrees Celsius (40 degrees Fahrenheit) overnight. They haven't experienced that kind of low before, I think the lowest was 10 degrees Celsius.

I'm wondering if I should bring them inside tonight. These quail are my pets and I'm pretty attached and don't yet have experience with quail and cold, especially young ones still molting! :eek:

I'm worried if I bring them in it may interfere with their acclimation process? But I'm more worried they're going to be lethargic or worse in the morning... They have bedding of wood shavings and a part with hay. Thanks :)
They can handle the temperature as long as you can keep them dry and out of the wind. My 4 week olds did fine when we dropped to 35 degrees F. for a few nights in a row.
Thanks for sharing your experience! I ended up bringing them in, now I'm considering keeping them inside for the winter ugh, haha I'm not looking forward to their water freezing all the time for months :p

I'm torn! Guess I'll have to think about it :)
They make it super hard to decide when they snuggle like this


She stayed still standing there on my hand and in my sleeve for several minutes, periodically trying to get in deeper, haha I wonder if they would go all the way in...
They make it super hard to decide when they snuggle like this

She stayed still standing there on my hand and in my sleeve for several minutes, periodically trying to get in deeper, haha I wonder if they would go all the way in...
LOL she's just playing on your sympathy. She heard you talking about outside and winter.

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