Newly Hatched Chick Might Have Brain Damage?

Rhode Island Rita

In the Brooder
8 Years
Jun 22, 2011
This isn't really an emergency, which is why I posted it here instead of the emergencies section. I have a broody who's been hatching eggs out since yesterday. Today I found a leghorn chick that hatched under her and it's staying in a really weird position and won't move out of it. With its legs curled up under it, and its head back like it's looking up. Like it can't stop looking up? Has this happened to anyone else, and if it has, did the chick survive? I've never had a chick act like this before; so I don't know if it's an injury or brain damage, or something else entirely.
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I had one hatch with curled toes and arching its back for 2 days. I assumed it was brain-damaged since it couldn't stand after I tried to tape its toes and gave it vitamins. It was suffering so we put it down.
Oh man. That sounds awful. :( I'm sorry.

I'll have to watch him/her like a hawk. I don't want the baby to suffer. I think I'll give it a couple days, see if it ventures out with mom and the others when they leave the coop for the first time, and if it just can't mobilize and keep itself fed and watered, I'll put it down too.

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