Newly hatched duckling with runny nose

Feb 19, 2023
I am sorry if this has been covered before, I am just not finding a situation akin to mine.

I have duckling that just hatched. It was a little early but clean hatch, no weird spots in the egg or anything. It’s been over 24 hours, it is all fluffed up and dried in the incubator and about ready to move out and eat.

However, since it hatched, it has a bit of clear fluid coming from its nose. It has not had water yet, but the fluid hasn’t stopped. The baby is acting completely normal, and full of life and energy, just a runny nose.

Here’s the thing… i have spent some time with the little guy and it may or may not have put its whole head in my mouth while investigating my entire face… that it was also crawling all over. This was obviously before I found out it could be salmonella. I’m not worried about myself, I’m healthy and don’t regret a cute duckling crawling on my face (i may later, but not today). I am worried about the duckling though.

Again, no food or water yet and is acting completely fine. My other thoughts is that it’s the humidity in the incubator so i will be moving tonight to a dry and warm brooder.

Any ideas?

Another question: i meant to go get some starter after work but we had a severe storm and i won’t be getting out til tomorrow, is a scrambled quail egg okay?
Mash it up real good and it should be fine my Ducklings loved scrambled eggs. Be sure it can have water also and enough to be able to clean its face off real good. I'm not sure why the little one would have liquid coming out of its nares but if it's acting normal for a newly hatched duckling it might be nothing to worry about. Since you have it out of the bator now is it still having a runny nose? Sorry no one replied till now.
Mash it up real good and it should be fine my Ducklings loved scrambled eggs. Be sure it can have water also and enough to be able to clean its face off real good. I'm not sure why the little one would have liquid coming out of its nares but if it's acting normal for a newly hatched duckling it might be nothing to worry about. Since you have it out of the bator now is it still having a runny nose? Sorry no one replied till now.
Thank you for checking in!

The duckling is fine now since it moved out the incubator, must have been the humidity. A happy and healthy duckling who can continue to investigate my face as it wishes.

The quail egg was good, I cooked it soft and broke it down and they loved it. I now have duckling starter for all the new hatchlings.

I am very relieved, 4 eggs came from under my broody hens. 3 cracked, one with fluid build up that passed. The other 3 made it to hatch and are doing okay. I was just worried I intercepted too late and they would have ended up with bacteria in the shell. But all seems normal!


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