Niacin Deficiencies in Goslings & Ducklings (growth & leg problems)


I don't think anyone has posted to this thread in a while but I have to say thank you!!! I have adult ducks already that I've never had a problem with however, I have nine ducklings at three weeks old still in the inside brooder since it's still too chilly here in Idaho for the barn. Anyway, thanks are in order as I was desperate yesterday with one little runner duck almost trampled to death. I thought she was dead when I went in yesterday morning. Then I picked her up and she peeped. I brought her in the house washed her in warm water and rubbed her dry while under a heat lamp. Then I noticed that almost all the ducklings were walking pigeon toed. One in particular was worse than the others. I put her in with the runner duckling that was half dead. I was crying, desperate and feeling like I was an awful duck mom., so I searched on backyard chickens and found this thread.

Once I got the first almost dead runner duckling warm with some electrolytes in her I went to the pharmacy and got niacin. Thankfully, I bought the correct kind. I brought it home, crushed some up and put in everybody's water and even a little on their food. I kept a close eye on everybody yesterday but went to bed last night really upset thinking I might find at least two dead ducklings this morning. I could hardly believe the difference this morning! Everyone of them is walking better!!!

The seven in the original brooder are completely fine. The runner is up and walking but still pigeon-toed. Perhaps she will continue to heal. The other one I put in with her that was pigeon-toed yesterday is completely fine today. I'm leaving her in with the runner for company.

I am just completely amazed and THANKFUL for all the duck keepers on this thread who helped me save my babies yesterday. THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!!!


I don't think anyone has posted to this thread in a while but I have to say thank you!!! I have adult ducks already that I've never had a problem with however, I have nine ducklings at three weeks old still in the inside brooder since it's still too chilly here in Idaho for the barn. Anyway, thanks are in order as I was desperate yesterday with one little runner duck almost trampled to death. I thought she was dead when I went in yesterday morning. Then I picked her up and she peeped. I brought her in the house washed her in warm water and rubbed her dry while under a heat lamp. Then I noticed that almost all the ducklings were walking pigeon toed. One in particular was worse than the others. I put her in with the runner duckling that was half dead. I was crying, desperate and feeling like I was an awful duck mom., so I searched on backyard chickens and found this thread.

Once I got the first almost dead runner duckling warm with some electrolytes in her I went to the pharmacy and got niacin. Thankfully, I bought the correct kind. I brought it home, crushed some up and put in everybody's water and even a little on their food. I kept a close eye on everybody yesterday but went to bed last night really upset thinking I might find at least two dead ducklings this morning. I could hardly believe the difference this morning! Everyone of them is walking better!!!

The seven in the original brooder are completely fine. The runner is up and walking but still pigeon-toed. Perhaps she will continue to heal. The other one I put in with her that was pigeon-toed yesterday is completely fine today. I'm leaving her in with the runner for company.

I am just completely amazed and THANKFUL for all the duck keepers on this thread who helped me save my babies yesterday. THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!!!

What a great testimony to how much ducklings /water fowl can need the supplement of Niacin so happy for you. I'd say at 3 weeks old your lil Runner has every chance at getting over this. So glad you found her when you did. I'd keep the other duckling with her for company they get really stressed out if they are alone so a buddy will help.

Keep us updated! @Donna Lynn
So far this morning everyone is thriving. All but the little runner duck are walking normal. Her left left leg seems to be turned inward at the knee (First leg joint from the foot). She can walk but not easily. I'm wondering if I should try to fashion some sort of keep the foot in line but I don't really have any ideas about how to do that.

Any help is greatly appreciated.

THanks again
So far this morning everyone is thriving. All but the little runner duck are walking normal. Her left left leg seems to be turned inward at the knee (First leg joint from the foot). She can walk but not easily. I'm wondering if I should try to fashion some sort of keep the foot in line but I don't really have any ideas about how to do that.

Any help is greatly appreciated.

THanks again
Maybe you can find some info here that will help.
I'm really hoping I'm feeding my ducklings correctly. They are 10 days old and 2-3 are starting to act weird. They fall over and seem to have seizures. Legs go straight back and they get stiff all over. After 20-30 seconds, they come back around. I have been feedling them Scratch & Peck chick starter and put 150mg/gal in their water. I have supplemented with a little vitamin E too. It's capsules that I open and pour the powder in. Is this the kind they can absorb? I'm so worried their symptoms are diet related and I don't know what I'm doing wrong. The "seizures" are horrible to watch. And they happen to the littlest ones. The bigger ducklings (which are over double the size of the littles) don't have any problems. These were shipped hatch issues.
@Alaskaduck How long have you been using the niacin and Vit E ? It can take several days or longer depending on how long the symptoms have been going on. What is the environment like your keeping them in? Any added stress to scare them? I am not sure about the vit E I have never seen it in powder form only in liquid capsules. Are they all the same age and some are just larger than the others?
I've been giving the niacin for about 1 week. I had emailed Scratch & Peck asking if their chick starter had enough niacin for ducklings and they said it did. So I didn't supplement the first week. Then they said it was a little low (25mg/lb, Storey's guide says they need 30) I've been giving the E for about 1 week too because I thought one was stargazing. Added the niacin in case that was the problem. Basically I have 8, half seem very small and the other half are huge (or maybe they're the normal ones) They are all the same age. The one having seizures died last night. The eggs varied greatly in size. Some weighed 62g, others 84g if that matters. I have them in a pack & play in our living room. I keep them very clean with fresh water.
I have had shipped eggs sent 4X but never weighed [chicken] so not sure if size of egg makes difference maybe @Ravynscroft could address that question.

Other than what your doing I am not sure what else you can do. If you can find some Poultry Nutri Drench that is a really good product you might want to add till your smallest have caught up.

I am so sorry you lost one.

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