Niacin isn’t the only issue


Free Ranging
Nov 10, 2019
Northern California
Just a reminder because I’ve seen so many times people suggesting to give niacin and only niacin when babies, particularly waterfowl, are having leg, immune, or neurological issues.

Yes they need niacin in greater amounts than other poultry species and yes it is a common deficiency, but issues can also be caused by other B vitamin deficiencies, like thiamin, or pyridoxine for example, or even vitamins like E or calcium.

So if you have a duckling, gosling, or even a chick or you see someone else in the forums having trouble, yes, niacin could be the issue, but remember the other vitamins also and try to get a B vitamin mix as well as a multivitamin.

Not enough protein can also cause problems too.
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They also need vitamin E and selenium in conjunction with the niacin but any commercial poultry feed will have those in sufficient quantities unless it is old. E can deteriorate over time. Feeding things other than a fresh prepared feed can cause all sorts of deficiencies.

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