Nigerian Dwarf Goats can fly


12 Years
Jan 9, 2012
Got your attention, didn't it. New goat mom and started out with all my goats together as the woman I got them from says she does and hasn't had any problems. After reading/hearing about what can happen to my sweet pregnant doe who is due any day now if I don't separate them, put my buck and wether in a new fenced in area yesterday. They still have an adjoining fence. Checked on them before bed and all of them were laying on either side of the ajoining fence which I thought would happen as my wether and the girls love each other so much, but woke up this morning to find the wether back in with the girls and the buck very happily resting in his house (which by the way was his original house he loved so dearly). Couldn't find any way he could have gotten back over with the girls, no broken or loose fence, no explaination of how in the world he did it, so I said he grew wings and flew over the fence in the middle of the night.

So the question is if the buck seems fine do I need to worry about putting the wether back in, is there any reason to worry about the wether with the girls, do I get another wether or see if my doe has a buck that we can wether (will probably be about 10-12 weeks before that happens). I really don't want him to be alone even though he can see them through the fence he needs someone to play with, but just hate to see my little wether so upset.
Lol...tricky little beasts aren't they? He might have climbed the fence. Just watch to see if there is any butting going on. The wether is more likely to get knocked around by the Billy than he is to butt the pregnant mom. My wethers really dislike being penned with my billy. They are very sweet with the does though.
One of the reasons for seperating expectant moms is that the other goats might step on newborns. If you have one that is close she should have an area of her own so babies don't get stepped on or run over.
I will stall her so no worries there, just hate for my buck to be all alone. Although got home today after him being in there by himself all day and he seems fine with it. He get's a little upset when I'm over when them and not with him but other than that he seems to be doing ok by himself. He's pretty much a attention hog and doesn't want me to do anything with any of the other goats, so I made sure to spend plenty of time with hjm this afternoon and even took him for a walk outside his fenced area to give him a little special mommy time. No my goats aren't spoiled at all.
New to the goat world going down to pick out my 2 NDG next week. I live in a nouberhood, code said I could have 1 full sized goat, but this much I do know you need 2 for happy kids, and them being pint sized I feel they add up to One big girl
good luck with you kids.
Do you have any other does besides the doe thats expecting? Maybe you could keep all the does together and keep the wethers and billys together in a different area? it's my understanding you have a wether, a buck, and a doe, any others? maybe once your doe has her kids, keep one (at least) so you could make sure their is never a goat alone. If the kid you kept was a male you could keep it with the buck when the doe was expecting and keep her with the wether. If the kid was a girl, you could keep the doe and her kid together and the billy and the wether together when the moms expecting. I see you realize it is never ideal for any goat to be alone, but for now, if your doe is due any day now, i suppose there isn't any other options but to keep the billy alone, for now. Right now your top priority for your goats should be keeping the kids safe, and it sounds like your very in-tune with that. Maybe just more "mommy time" for the buck so he feels spoiled, instead of deprived.

Hope this helped :)

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