NightGuard Review - Blinking LED.... Really?!?


5 Years
May 13, 2014
Berkley, MA
I'm sure there is a thread on this already. But can anyone share you experience with NightGuard?

P.S. I can't believe they are selling a blinking LED for $35!!! is it really wroth the money?!?
I'd spend my money elsewhere. Theory is, they'll get used to it and it won't make any difference if it's on or not.

You can read others' experiences here:
Advanced search>titles only>blinking light
That was my thought too. I don't think predators are that dumb. After a while they would get clued in that it's just a light.
But then again, I might be wrong. I will look at the thread. thanks.
I have them in my goose inclose. Four of them pointing in all directions. Have not had loss of birds but then again I lock them up at night. I did loose roosters that were in the same chain link dog kennel before I got the lights. All I did was add chiken wire around the kennel so the geese would not stick their heads out.
I have them in my goose inclose. Four of them pointing in all directions. Have not had loss of birds but then again I lock them up at night. I did loose roosters that were in the same chain link dog kennel before I got the lights. All I did was add chiken wire around the kennel so the geese would not stick their heads out.
Thanks for the comment.
Wouldn't a floodlight with a IR movement sensor be better? Might be a bit annoying though, but I would think it would take longer for any critters to get accustomed to it, and you'd be alerted as well.

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