Nipple Waterer Placement...

AZ Heat

12 Years
Dec 27, 2008
In utilizing the nipple watering system, does the location of the nipple on a bucket matter?

I've noticed that most people put the nipple on the bottom of the bucket. But can it be placed on the side, near the bottom? In other words, if the bucket is sitting on a stand to raise it up to head level, can the nipples be used sticking out from the side, right at the bottom of the bucket?

I'm asking because the way my coop is set up, it would be better if I could get something to set the bucket on instead of hanging it. But if the nipples only work facing straight down from the bottom of the bucket, I'll have to figure something else out.

Thanks in advance!
Gotta go on the bottom. If the nipples aren't hanging straight down, the little metal do-hickey leaves the "valve" open and it drips constantly.

I put mine on an upturned concrete block, bungee corded to a fence T-post for stability.

There's enough space on the bottom for the 3 nipples to be available for the chickens.

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