Nipple watering

It took about 10 minutes for my chicks to figure out the nipple watering system. I held them up to one of the nipples and rubbed their beaks back and forth on it until they understood that water was coming out. They each got a drink. Then, all it took was the rest of them watching one smart one doing it and they all soon began to copy. (You'll notice that chickens are all very good copy-cats.). Anyway, I made a short video about this and some other aspects of chicken raising that you might like to see. Here is the link:

I have 4 week old chicks, I put the nipple in the cap of a Gatorade bottle and placed in in the brooder. I hit the nipple with my finger while all the chicks were surrounding it. A little water came out and they all rushed it. But I did find out that only water works with the nipples. I had electrolyte in it and the nipple got sticky so no water would come out. So I still have back ups. But the chicks would rather drink from the nipple.
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I have raised three batches of chicks so far. My first 2 batches used the standard waterer which is awfully messy and had to change and clean at least three or four times a day. When I learned about the water nipples I wanted to give them a try since my adult hens and pullets are already on them. At first I had to use the regular waterer just to hydrate them from their short trip home, I almost panicked because they did not want to drink any water (I had 6 one day old chicks) I did my regular lesson which is to gently deep their beak in the water but still they did not drink. I had to mix some of their feed with water to hydrate them first which is unusual because my previous batches took after the water right away. Once they were hydrated (for 2 days) I added the water bottle with a nipple and showed them how the water came out. They learned rather quick. They are 7 weeks old and drinking from the nipple as their only source of water. I might add that there was one little chick (the smallest of the bunch) that was not really drinking from the nipple so I filled a very small dish with water and added some glass marbles for weight. Once I saw that the little one was drinking from the nipple with the others, I took the little dish out. I am completely sold on the nipple system in the brooder, it makes things so much easier.
Yea i hade a runt of the litter and he was laying down like he was dead so i took a little hand nipple to nurse it back to helth and it rose back up and then he got trampled over after 2 days and he died so
As far as I'm concerned, poultry nipples are the only way to go. There is no mess, they keeps chickens healthier since the water is clean, and they conserve water. Chicks learn very quickly (5 to 10 minutes). Once one of them figures it out, all the rest copy. It's fun to watch. If you didn't see my video, there is a part in it where the chicks are using the nipples. Enjoy:

Is it normal for water to be spilled after the chick drank from the nipple? I have 5 Chicks in the brooder (3.5 weeks old) and I'm concerned about the pine shavings getting too wet and some bad bacteria growing in there. I'm a newbie and with so much info on the internet, it is easy overanalyze everything. Should I replace the nipple? Are the chicks hitting it wrong? It is placed at the chicks' shoulder level. Advise please :)
I have vertical nipples in my chick coop and had them in the brooder. Chicks spill some water when they drink but if the nipple still drips after they are done drinking, then you need to change it. I just started using the nipples with this batch of chicks. I found out that some nipples leak so I changed them until I found one that didn't. I use sand in the brooder and in the coop so when it gets a little too moist, I mix the sand with dry one. You need to replace the wood shavings around the nipple often, you don't want any germs growing in there.
I have vertical nipples in my chick coop and had them in the brooder. Chicks spill some water when they drink but if the nipple still drips after they are done drinking, then you need to change it. I just started using the nipples with this batch of chicks. I found out that some nipples leak so I changed them until I found one that didn't. I use sand in the brooder and in the coop so when it gets a little too moist, I mix the sand with dry one. You need to replace the wood shavings around the nipple often, you don't want any germs growing in there.
I have had horizontal nipples for 3 1/2 years and have never had one fail yet. Get the best and buy them once that's my motto.

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