Nitrogen euthanasia

Theres somthing wrong with the Corrosivness of Co2. I cant remeber which way (alk or Acid) but some ways from neautral PH wise. At the very least you could say in theory it would cause discomfort.

^^^ Thats the UK legislation. It says C02 can be used BUT ONLY with another inert gas and at no more than 30%. At least thats how Im interpreting it and i am no scholar lol.

If people are afraid to say that you are buying Nitrogen for killing chickens. Then just say its for filling your car tires :p

I understand. I have felt aprehensive about disclosing this method. you worry people wont understand that this is far more humane than pretty much any other method. You worry that they wont belive you when you tell them this is widely used in industry now. So just say its for Filling your's, your friends and their friends car tires.
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A clean .22 pellet or gun shot would be my choice, at dark w the bird in a cozy box w soft hay and a large net on top to shoot through.....Theu don't know its coming , quick and painless.

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