No Day 21 Action- Please help!



Feb 28, 2021
21 days ago, I put three chicken eggs in in the incubator. One was fertilized (we call her Dove, AKA Little D) and developing well. Now it's day 21, and there's been no cracks, and my dad thinks he thought a chirp but it might just have been the machine. No movement from the egg, no outside shaking. I know it's suggested not to candle this late, but there were no cracks, so we checked her out- full egg, but you can't see the head or the talons or beak or wings or anything. At the top around the air sac, it's like there's a ring. And there was no movement. Is she sleeping before pip or something, or is something wrong? I even played chirping sounds for her, but still nothing- please help!
You can candle in the air pocket see if you see the beak or movement. Hold it to your ear and listen. Otherwise patience. Could be late. Not unusual.
Okay- thanks! I guess I won't candle then. I'll wait it out, and not just cross my fingers but also cross my toes :fl :).
Okay. Thank you.
When do late eggs usually hatch? Since there is no movement in the egg (well, there wasn't when I last candled it) do you think she's sleeping after internal pip and preparing to do the external pip, and will start in the night and hatch in the morning? That's what I'm hoping for.
Okay. Thank you.
When do late eggs usually hatch? Since there is no movement in the egg (well, there wasn't when I last candled it) do you think she's sleeping after internal pip and preparing to do the external pip, and will start in the night and hatch in the morning? That's what I'm hoping for.
day 24 I would myself start to be concerned, but they can hatch 3 days late. Hopefully tomorrow you will wake up and there will be a chick waiting for you.
Okay, thank you :fl . On day 24, would she probably be dead :(?
Also, will lateness cause hatching problems?
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