NO EGG. help

the 412 chicks

10 Years
Jul 22, 2009
i have about 100 birds in my 12 by 25 and they have corn and water all the time with good perches and good nest boxes i live in ohio is there anything i can do.
You didn't mention windows for light. When hens don't lay, light is the first thing you need to address.

If your windows are north facing and it's winter, you may need to give them some supplemental light with and electric bulb. Fourteen hours of light is the average for egg laying to take place.
srry ya they have 3 windows windows with plenty of light and theyv also have a timer set for 5 in the morn. they used to b on layer feed but they still didnt lay so i swithced em to rolled corn. they eat about about 300 dollars a month on layers feed and not a single egg
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!. how old are they? 2. are you feeding them on demand layer feed, pellets/mash/crumbles? 3. Number of light hours are they receiving each day? 4. Is there heat in the coop? 4. Do they get out in a run or other area? I always recommend subscribing to "Backyard Poultry" magazine. Your can find lots of advice and information.
i have about 50 17 week old black stars and 13 20 month red stars, and about 26 br,and rir about 8 months. idk i used to feed them layer feed from the grainry that in 550 lbs u get 150 lbs of egg maker, 40 lbs of oyster shells, 25 lbs of fud lime idk, 300 lbs of shelled corn, and 25 lbs of oats. my lights are on from 5 in the morn to 6 at night. they havent gone out side latley cause its been cold.
I would guess it's the feed. I have never heard of giving them a mix of all those ingredients. Especially the food lime. Oyster shells should only be given on demand, I would think. Oats and Corn mix is "scratch" here and not given on demand as feed. The corn should be "cracked" not whole, I would think they'd have hard time digesting it and getting any benefit from it. The 17 week old Blk. star might be too young yet. You don't mention whether your sure they're all hens or not. If you can/have a public library get any books you can on raising chickens. If not check the web and read as much as you can on raising chickens. If you can get your layer feed seperate and all the other ingredients. Keep us posted cuz we care. Love ya Rancher
Why don't you just use traditional layer pellets? Alot of these custom mixes cause the chickens to have vitamin deficiencies and then they really wont lay. After changing the feed it can take them a few weeks to get used to it and start laying properly, even if the feed is good. Alos, have you checked them over for mites or lice? Do they have pale combs or clutched foot-fists?

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