No eggs for at least a month. Is this normal?


10 Years
Sep 28, 2010
I have 6 chickens: 3 Ameraucanas (lay green eggs), 1 Australorp (lays brown eggs), 1 Buff Orpington (lays brown eggs) and 1 Brown Leghorn (lays white eggs). They were hatched in March. At the end of July I got my first egg. Within a few weeks they were all laying.

About a month ago, I stopped getting white eggs. At first I thought she was maybe hiding them. They have a spacious but still small pen. But I usually let them out in the larger yard for the day. They can't really hide eggs in the pen but they can hide them in the yard. I've looked many times. Sometimes I've found brown eggs and green eggs, but never white eggs.

Then, when I was away for a day or two, they didn't get out in the yard. So no way they were hiding them. I found brown eggs and green eggs, but no white eggs.

Is this normal? This is my first time owning chickens but I don't think anyone's moulting. I have two wooden eggs. I'd think if a predator was eating eggs they'd have tried the wooden eggs. And even if a predator had a preference for white eggs, I still should have seen one (white egg) by now.

If a chicken was eating white eggs, there'd still be egg shells, right? They don't eat it eggshell and all, do they?

The other day I did find a wooden egg in the middle of the yard. (I have one in the pen and one in the yard.) A predator must have dragged it to the middle of the yard before deciding it wasn't edible. But I am in the middle of the city. It might have been a raccoon or possum, maybe a cat, but not likely a fox or something.

Anyway... that's all I know about the strange case of the eggless Brown Leghorn. Any thoughts? Is she ever going to lay again? Is something getting the eggs? Is there something I can give her to get her to lay again? Have her eggs changed to brown or something?
She could be going though a light molt. Or it could be just the weather and lack of light. She may be more senitive to these things then the others. I feel it is more likly sh eis going though a light molt and not laying
Thanks. I have their wing feathers clipped. Should I be able to tell if she's going through a moult by the feathers? Or if it's a light moult will they still be clipped?

How long do moults generally last?

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