No eggs for months! I quit!


In the Brooder
6 Years
Aug 29, 2013
Beautiful East Texas
I have 4 khaki campbell ducks and 8 various breed hens. All stopped laying in August. They all appeared to have gone through molt at the same time. They are now pretty as can be but have not offered a single egg!
I also have 12 chickens and 2 more ducks that are nearly 6 months old but aren't laying!!
I'm just about ready to get rid of them all! Any advice or encouraging stories?
Agree we need more info.

What breeds are the hens, and how old are they?

Are you free ranging?

What are you feeding?
The 6 month old's are white leghorns and 2 barnyard mixes, and a sex link. They come and go as they please.
The rest are a year and a half up. 2 are buff orpington, 1 is a dominique, and the others are barn yard mixes. Some of them get out and free range some stay put.
I'm feeding Purina Layena crumbles. And they all seem as happy as can be.
The younger birds could simply be immature yet. But, I'd start confining birds and see what you get. You may need to go on an egg hunt.
all things point to birds laying in a hid nest lock birds up at night do you have a snake problem check at night for snakes in nests other things could be eating eggs and birds just moved outside to lay

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