No eggs yet - Stress question


In the Brooder
Mar 3, 2015
So I have 4 hens and a rooster. They are 19 weeks, but it has been traumatic for them in the week they have been here. My Olde English Bulldogge is a chicken killer. He got 2. Now a shock collar is being delivered and he is tied up when the coop is open.

Will the stress of that cause the egg laying to be delayed? They don't seem to want to even come up of the coop during the day.
If the source of the stress is removed - that is, if the dog will no longer be visible to the chickens - there shouldn't be a delay in laying, as I wouldn't expect them to begin laying until 22 to 26 weeks. As they know the dog is an imminent threat, they will be stressed as long as it is visible to them. Their reaction may subside over a period of weeks if the dog never makes any additional aggressive advances toward them.
Thank you for your response. This whole experience has been so overwhelming so far. Should I make sure the other dog that doesn't bother them is out of sight as well?
That would probably be wise. As you know, each dog has its own personality. My black lab is routinely outside with the free-ranging hens and has never bothered them. They essentially ignore each other now, but when they first met, the dog was very curious to meet (but not eat) them. In the beginning, she was allowed to interact with the chickens with me present, and lots of "no" commands from me when she got too close. So, she's learned that the cats and chickens are part of the homestead, not prey animals. But labs tend to be more pet-friendly than some other breeds.

With dogs and chickens, it's "one strike and you're out". A dog who attacks once will do so again.

I'm so sorry you're having to deal with this loss and the associated challenge!
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