No eggs????


5 Years
May 23, 2014
I have adult chickens that were laying eggs no problem and have stopped completely. I also have younger chickens born at Easter and have not laid one egg! We have had a problem with a bobcat that has taken 5 chickens so I assume the adults are scared but how do I get them all to start laying??

Are you sure the older ones aren't molting?
Another question, what are your thoughts anyone on using sand in your coop Vs pine shavings for the floor?
Sand is good if you clean it regularly and replenish it as needed, in colder climates it can be cold on the feet, in damp climates it can be hard to sift the poop, I use it in my turkey shed and scoop the droppings daily.

Your adult birds have probably stopped for the season to rest and molt, your younger ones it could be breed and make sure you're feeding them a higher protein ration, lower protein will slow down growth and they will not start laying until a bit later than most, which I personally do on purpose to get my hens more mature before they begin to lay.
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