No eggs

I'm only getting one egg a day if that from 3 laying hens and 4 more that should, but haven't
How old and what breed are your hens that aren't laying? Sometimes when pullets reach what would normally be their point of lay in the shortest days of winter, they hold off longer, sometimes even until the following spring.
If they are getting ready to lay, they're combs redden up.
I hatched out several the beginning of June and while one (a different breed) started laying in November, the others started more recently (as the days are lengthening a bit) while one has yet to lay (and her comb is still pale.)
2 are EE and 2 are RIR that hatched August 15

If they only hatched August 15, I wouldn't be worried (Impatient, yes--I'm always impatient, but not worried) We've had RIR in the past, and usually they started early, but the EE's can start much later. Hopefully they'll start soon.
I had some hatched in June who have just started or not started yet.

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