No idea what to do.... aggressive pretty newly hatched chick


10 Years
Jan 4, 2014
Two questions...

1. How do you handle a jerk baby chick?
2. How do you suggest I handle trying to integrate a last hatched one into the group?


I had 10 eggs start hatching on Wednesday morning. I am pretty sure that this little jerk was the first to come out.

Yesterday afternoon, I had one remaining egg that seemed to be struggling.... and he started pecking this chick through the rather large opening it had made for itself in its shell, through the membrane, drawing blood (vessels in the shell). It was also running around and pecking toes, eyes, heads, beaks, butts... etc. Just a really obnoxious chick. If it is a cockerel, it will not last long here I can tell you that....and I expressed that sentiment to him right off the bat.

I digress.

I moved all the hatched ones out... so I could allow this unhatched one some time to regroup. I assisted the hatch and all went beautifully....he is lonely... and I am going to wait until he has been out 24 hours before trying to include him in the group.

I just checked on the chicks... everyone is fine... except for this one jack wagon! He is continuing this really crappy behavior... with all of his peers... including the ones that look like him (dark). I figured "ok.... maybe he is hangry" It is now 48 hours post hatch for him... so maybe hungry, thirsty... whatever.

So I sprinkled some food around on the floor of the brooder and brought in the electrolyte water.... I wanted to hold off until i move this new one in so I could really just unsettle everyone at once... but no... I feel like this jerk chick just kind of forced me into action.

I have had "mildly" obnoxious chicks before... but this one really takes it.

Thank you all for your insights.
Update.... apparently he was just hungry. 🙄

I made all kinds of weird grand gestures and movements.... moving the heater, their waterer... really confusing them with all the gyrations... slipped the newbie in... he stood there for a minute and dove into the piles of food.... had a drink... settled right in.

So my helicopter henpecking wasn't all that necessary.


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