no laying since malt


In the Brooder
6 Years
Sep 7, 2013
help! since my hen malted, she hasnt layed, but when i went to let them out in the morning, she was in the nest, when she came out, there still wasnt an egg. what has happened. plus she doesnt do much (not active as others).
Hi. I don't know if you are located in this hemisphere, so don't know what the season is where you are, but I'll tell you what happens with my hens. It's fall here and my hens have stopped laying. Two out of four are in obvious molts, and the other two will start soon. Following their molts they won't be laying again until early spring, even though their molt will be complete before that. That's because they need around 14 hours of light to produce eggs. Some folks get around this by adding some extra light in the fall and winter, but I let mine rest.

My apologies if you knew all this, but just tried to cover the bases in answering your question.

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