No more goslings for me this year


10 Years
Jul 26, 2009

I had 3 Pilgrim eggs in the Brinsea. About 3 weeks along. I had the rest filled with turkey and rouen duck eggs.

It crashed during the night, literally. The turner caught the stupid hose/cord to the humidity pump unit, pulled it off the table, which pulled the whole thing to the floor, or at least that appears to be what happened. The hose and cord were tangled in the turner mechanism.

I had one goose egg and 4 others survive the impact, but when I found this at about 5:30/5:45 this morning, everything was cold. Between the fall and the chill, not holding out much hope. That goose egg already had serious detached air cell issues upon arrival, but was developing. The smashed eggs were, too, there was a lot of blood, it was not a pretty scene.


I'm really sorry I didn't go with R-com units -- internal tank, internal turner, one cord!
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