No One Told Me This About Baby Ducks

That's my second favorite phase of growing up, next to when they're lil' puffballs fresh out of the egg. :p They look like awkward, gangly muppets!

That was definitely a hysterical phase! The "Look! I'm a helicopter!" phase was pretty funny too. She makes us laugh everyday!
OhMyGersh!! Such cute babies!
I'm done in. @Amykins - so precious!! Calls, even when babies, look like they're about to say they have a secret or something.

They kinda do, don't they? It's the side-eye that does it. Then when they get older those puffy cheeks kinda look like they're constantly making this face:

Just wait until she discovers she can make loud noises. That's not such a fun phase.

LOL. That is so true. I was actually in the room with ours one time when one of our juveniles made her first "bap, bap" noise, then looked around the room like, "What the heck was that? Was that me?" She did some testing, "Bap, bap," and all the others were looking at her. Then she did the, "BAP BAP BAP BAP BAP BAP BAP!!!" and all the others backed away. She strutted around doing that for days afterward like she was the queen of the castle.

That one became what my hubby calls the grievance officer of the group, the first to let us know if anything didn't meet their standards. Every group we've ever had seems to have a designated grievance officer, though I have no idea if it gets assigned to the first one that quacks other than in that particular group.
LOL...exactly! Are they exceptionally chatty or just louder than most ducks?

Both. Wobbles n' Bean NEVER shut up! It's a constant chorus of chirps, merps, meeps and beeps. <3

LOL. That is so true. I was actually in the room with ours one time when one of our juveniles made her first "bap, bap" noise, then looked around the room like, "What the heck was that? Was that me?" She did some testing, "Bap, bap," and all the others were looking at her. Then she did the, "BAP BAP BAP BAP BAP BAP BAP!!!" and all the others backed away. She strutted around doing that for days afterward like she was the queen of the castle.
Omg I'm crying
I would love that! My female Pekin is shockingly loud, but the only time she gets to full volume is when she hears me open the door...she knows I'm headed her way. I wish I could have calls, but I'm paranoid about upsetting my neighbors.
I have to say I think ducklings are cuter than baby chicks - don't tell anyone. I have to pop in now and then on the duck threads to get my 'fix.' Their faces and expressions are amazing - the profectile pooping NOT!!

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