No roo? There may be $$ in it for ya


Keepin' the sunny side up
11 Years
Mar 20, 2008
Shenandoah Valley, VA

restaurant that serves only 'unmarried chickens'!

Sun, May 10 04:55 PM

New Delhi, May 10 (ANI): A restaurant in China is doing brisk business after it claimed that it serves only virgin chickens.

The Tanniu Unmarried Chicken Restaurant is located in Haikou, capital of Hainan province, reports The China Daily.

And Fu Chuanhai the owner of the eatery said he raises hens selected soon after they're born on a special farm.

He even swears that his hens have never ever flirted with a rooster, and that his restaurant has remained popular since he opened it four years ago. (ANI)
Thats strange. Without sounding "rude" i've never wondered if I was eating a virgin chicken.

I wonder (outloud so to speak) why a virgin hen would be better than a virgin roo...

As a matter of fact, I have never wondered if I was eating a roo or a hen, period, while I was actually consuming them.

I know my dad likes to ask the waitress if the chickens died of natural causes
You would be surprised how many times they say "yes, I think". Not understanding that THAT would acutually be pretty gross.

I wonder if there is a market in the Foot Hills for Virgin Poultry.
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