No santa? Would you be mad?

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Santa is real in the hearts and spirit of giving. Just because we cant see him doesnt mean the spirit of him is not real to those that choose to have Santa at Christmas. To remember what it was like to be a small child and getting ready for bed Christmas Eve. Leaving him cookies and milk and the excitment of waking up to see what Santa left. As I grew older I realize Santa didnt bring my presents, Mom and Dad did but I wanted to keep that special child feeling so I did and passed it on to my children. Now we know he is not a living breathing person, but his message of love and child wonder remains with us so Yes Dear Santa we will always believe.
I agree that the teacher should probably have just avoided the subject. As we don't celebrate Christmas in any form, all my kids know about Santa is that they aren't to tell any of their friends he isn't real. They don't have to agree that he is real, they just basically don't say anything; which is what that teacher should have done.
I also don't think she should have told them, but the bigger issue for me is this teacher's total disregard for the kids' feelings. I don't know what age second grade is but I am assuming around 7? She must have known that some of them would believe in Santa and it was a calculated decision to deliberately upset them in my opinion. I would be seriously considering pulling my children out of that school if they were there. That is NOT the kind of person I want my kids to be spending the majority of their day with.
While I have my own views about Santa's role in Christmas, I feel that it's not a public grade school teacher's business to debate the reality of Santa Claus any more than it is to debate the reality or beliefs of any religion unless it's a religious school.
I just saw on CNN that a news caster is in trouble for stating that she thinks its wrong to tell kids there is a santa. Parents are angry because they were watching the news with children.
for those who feel that the teacher was correct, what if the teacher's opinion had been that other beliefs about Christmas were wrong and chose to spend science class debating religious topics?

I know that Santa isn't a religious thing, but there are people who believe the birth story to be equally false. Just as that would not be the teacher's place to discuss in class neither is Santa
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