No-Stink Intertile Duds in the Incubator?


12 Years
May 31, 2007
Western NY
It's day 14 for us. I candled just a few eggs this morning and they have dark masses with air spaces on the end. My Araucana eggs are still a mystery though. I see an obvious air space and dark area, but never get the impression that there's really a chick as I do when I candle the other eggs. None of the eggs smell - should I just keep all of them in the incubator? Should I be fearing any rotten egg explosions if I'm not smelling anything? What DOES happen if an egg explodes in your incubator? Do you just clean things up and keep going? Can you?!!


Ann at JillsChicks
I hear it stinks (literally and figuratively) if an egg explodes in the incubator. I would think the dark masses and air cells are a better sign than nothing at all. But I know what you mean, you kind of get a gut feeling that something is not right when you look at those...I guess it is better safe to leave them if you are comfortable doing so.
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what is it supposed to look like when you candle them? I got blues and dark dark greens in the incubator. can it work with the blues?
Do a search under eggs to hatch on candling eggs - I think it's minkhollow farm that has an excellent candling website. Several more knowledgeable posters have posted the web address.

I have little luck telling much of anything on my blue/green eggs.


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