Noise question

My female ducks peaked with their noise levels around 3-4 months. Once they adjusted outside they all calmed down quite a bit and aren't that noisy unless they hear me, see me when it's time to be let out in the mornings or put in for the night. Out of them all the loudest was my Rouen, sometimes my runner and one of my Hookbills. The Rouen was so loud at 3-4 months that I told myself never again would I allow someone to drop off their unwanted Rouen, but she has mellowed out a lot and isn't noisy at all anymore. My males will do their low raspy "rants" as I call them when they're doing their little patrols, but all in all none of my ducks are really that noisy. For breed reference I have Rouen's, Runners, Hookbills and a Mallard.
It really depends on the bird. My drakes are noisy when they’re first let out in the morning, if they’re making warning calls, or they get excited, but their voices are still wayyy quieter than the girls. My silver appleyard duck is the most chatty bird I’ve ever met, though. She quacks alllllll the time.
my calls are also all really loud.
the magpie drake and my blue Swedish were quiet. Only made noise when they got really excited or startled and that was it. If you want truly quiet ducks, definitely muscovies would fit the bill. :)
I originally have 3 ducks, 2 drakes and a hen. I felt the same. My boys were always squawking about something lol. Well I recently ordered 5 female ducklings, and all I can say is wow! When I got out in the morning sounds like 20 females in there lol!
I originally have 3 ducks, 2 drakes and a hen. I felt the same. My boys were always squawking about something lol. Well I recently ordered 5 female ducklings, and all I can say is wow! When I got out in the morning sounds like 20 females in there lol!
Oh boy lol. Guess I'll just have to wait and see how it turns out for us. When I went out to feed the ducks this morning I thought again that 90% of the noise is the two drakes. I hope adding the four new females doesn't result in a huge noise increase but we'll see.
Our silver Appleyard hens have a voice and know how to use it! They like to get high on the ramp going into the duckhouse in the morning and project their message that they would really like to come out please. :) Our male "talks" quite a bit, but it's super quiet compared to the girls. The girls also have a very loud and distinct alarm call (which we appreciate!).

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