Noise that hens make after laying

Maybe they are telling the girls to look for the tube of Preparation H instead of bragging? Like, "BBBBBBBBBBBaaaaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwwk, wow that one hurt! Someone get the ointment"
LOL- YES it is quite the sound....

My girls will lay at the same time, parts of the late afternoon, I will walk in to the coop, and they just continue the singing!!!!!
My Red gave up # 7 this morning! Seven days in a row! Good girl!

I wasn't here to observe today but so far she doesn't seem consistent with singing afterward. She did yesterday but the 2 days before that she only sang beforehand.

Her song is the opposite of what others have posted. BGAWK...bock...bock....bock. At least that's how I hear it.

Anyone know how much noise light brahmas and brown leghorns typically put out during the event? They should be starting soon.
My leghorns (Ideal's Danish Brown Leghorns) are the noisy ones. It was my Kraienkoppe who bawked at the fox; when not brooding, she is usually off by herself. My Australorp is pretty quiet. I just have the four who are free range and laying right now.

The other breeds are this year's, not quite to point of lay.

Very interesting, the backwards bok-bok-BGAWK. Mine have a definite pause after the BGAWK.

They really are individuals.
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Mine "bwuck" every time they lay and "sing" all day 'gouwouwkukukuk' one my hen "sings" with such gusto that her whole body shakes, she doesn't lay very well so we say "she shakes so much that her egg get scrambled and then she needs to start all over again!"
My production reds make a big stage production of laying. Yesterday she was making such a ruckus she got the roo going too!!! I'm not impressed. Sure, It's a good sized egg, but try having a 10 pound 2 oz baby. Yup, she's gonna have to lay a goose egg to impress me!!!

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