Noisy Newborns

Pollo Posada

In the Brooder
10 Years
Mar 25, 2009
Mount Airy, MD
Ok - so I have 2 baby geese and Boy are they noisy!!! Everytime I walkaway from them, they cry. Constantly and ear-piercingly loud. This is the first time I've ever had geese. They have food and water and the company of two silkie chicks. Do they need something??? My husband is wondering how we are going to sleep tonight. HA!
You can try a stuffed animal.

Unlike chickens, ducks and geese imprint on the species their mom/dad is.
If you hatched these yourself, you are mom.
If they were hatched under a hen, the hen would be mom.

When you leave them, they are traumatized because mommy (their only source of protection by instinct) has just left them on their own.
Get a mirror and tape it to the side of the brooder. Then also put a stuffed animal in there or even a turkey feather duster. I have used this for solo duck hatches. It gives them a friend and a babysitter. Seems to work.
Good luck. Sebastian had duckling Gizmo to keep him company, yet he cried ALL the time. I think it was pretty much non-stop crying for 2 weeks.

He had a feather duster, mirror, lots of toys, a brooder mate, and me around. The only "thing" that would get him to settle down was my husband!
Yep, definitely takes time.
Binka is missing her sister who went to her new home today.

Honestly, she is doing better than I thought she would.
She cries, but does stop to eat, drink, and sleep.

Of course when I take her out she stops crying- but there is a point where I have to let her settle on her own (which she eventually does).
I know excatly what you are talking about! I just got my Pilgrims from Metzer Farms today. Boy, does my lil' Thomas go nuts as I leave him. Annabelle (his lady) does just fine but for some reason he is the one making all the noise. As I type this I can hear him telling me "momma, momma..." over and over. I did put a stuffed animal in there and he is not interested in it. I'll try a mirror tomorrow. DH is going nuts, as he is not a goose lover like me
Oh well!
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I have not slept in five
Okay, a little. But with a goose tucked under my chin. Or under my pillow.

Henry cries nonstop until I hold him. Or come within a few feet of him.

yeah, yeah..I gave him stuffed animals. he has a bunch. he also has a chick cage right next to him with a lone albeit, evil, chick in there. Three weeks? old. It peeps to him- probably telling him in chick language that it would love to remove his eyes.
He also has two duck buddies that are NOT in his cage- they are wayyyyyy too big for him right now- but they want to eat him. And he is terrified of them. They like to lay outside of his cage, which then puts him into panic mode and he must be saved.
He doesnt care about a mirror. He doesnt recognize the goose in the mirror as one of his kind. People, however, are his best buddies.

I will say that today, he wandered farther away from me than he has, for longer than he ever fact, he is in his cage right now- with the door open, eating and talking to himself. I am in the living room, the next room over- and he left ME and went in there to snack. A typical kid avoiding bedtime. All that aside, if I were to go in there right now and shut his door- he would start his nonstop crying for me.
One of my goslings tries (and often succeeds) to jump out of her box to follow myself or my son out of the room. She is more attached to my son, she FREAKS if he leaves the room and doesn't pay attention to her! Most of the time they are quiet, but they do have times when they want more attention. I try to avoid giving too much attention since they are embdens and I don't want them growing up into mean geese
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When my Keld was a baby gosling I carried him around in a scarf wrapped around my waist. No crying. Only problem was I had to remember to take him out at regular intervals so he could eat and drink. But for naps, the scarf was great.

As he turned bigger I put him in a large shoulderbag.

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