Non slip Boots for muddy duck yard that are easy to get on and off?


Expecting Miracles
Premium Feather Member
Aug 9, 2020
It just rained 3 inches
Its sooo muddy in some spots where I have to walk
also soon there will come snow and ice
I love my slip on duck boots but the traction is no good
I have heavy duty winter boots with great traction but what a pain to get on and off!
What does everyone else wear?
It just rained 3 inches
Its sooo muddy in some spots where I have to walk
also soon there will come snow and ice
I love my slip on duck boots but the traction is no good
I have heavy duty winter boots with great traction but what a pain to get on and off!
What does everyone else wear?
I just wear the regular black boots from Walmart and they work great and I LOVE them. Super comfortable. Great with mud.
It doesn't help that ducks love to make mud 10 times worse!
It just rained 3 inches
Its sooo muddy in some spots where I have to walk
also soon there will come snow and ice
I love my slip on duck boots but the traction is no good
I have heavy duty winter boots with great traction but what a pain to get on and off!
What does everyone else wear?
I have Muck Boots with deep treads, and even those struggle in mud. I ended up laying down a path of wood chips on the most critical areas.
For snow and ice I use snow cleats, My pull on winter boots have good traction but are still slippery, with mud I just use my pull on boots and hold onto things to keep from sliding down. Mainly walking down the hill in the bird's enclosure is the worst.
yeah my whole property is a slope 😱and the about 1/3 of the duck yard is mud soup lol thanks God for the other 2/3 . but of course the path to walk is the worst. goose pen is fine cuz they don’t kill every green thing . i also hold onto things lol i know i look like a crazy person . guess i need to buy more gravel and sand to fill in soup areas
Depending on the depth of your mud, thus style of snow boot might work. They are super easy to get on and off, the wave tread scrapes easily, it's a waterproof bottom vs the paper feel of Walmart boots I've looked at, and are close in price @$25.

I bought them last December and don't remember ice slips. Not enough ice this year to judge. I have slipped in deep tread rain boots.
Depending on the depth of your mud, thus style of snow boot might work. They are super easy to get on and off, the wave tread scrapes easily, it's a waterproof bottom vs the paper feel of Walmart boots I've looked at, and are close in price @$25.

I bought them last December and don't remember ice slips. Not enough ice this year to judge. I have slipped in deep tread rain boots.
and they’re cute too! nice!

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