noob with a sick rooster .......please help

For roosters, you can generally get away without feeding laying crumbles (the usual complete feed) but I would highly consider putting them on a fortified gamecock type grain instead. They still need vitamins, and all-grain mashes (usually called scratch) don't provide that. You have to read the labels for vitamin contents.

Purina's flock raiser as a base mixed with good whole grains (not scratch) is another option for fortified feed with the interest of grain without necessarily having a laying pellet calcium level.

I think you (and the boys) would be really happy with a gamecock grain mix. I used Bluebonnet gamecock feed for my roosters and they just were beautiful on it. That was my show feed.

But whatever you choose, do make sure the majority of it is the fortified feed.

And I'm glad to hear that the dark was because of the dirt, that the original drainage was clear.

I wonder if a good daily treatment of VetRx, the support nutrition (maybe boost vitamin A up a bit more but not overly much), wouldn't just help him get through this. He just doesn't have the look of a very sick bird.

Oh, be sure to listen to his breathing carefully too - eliminate any possibility of weezes, etc.

The way he looks (unless he looks worse) you could mayyybe even get away with not isolating him yet.

One more question (as if I hadn't asked enough)... you're not using any cedar shavings around him are you? No excess moisture up there from rains, etc? They have lots of good ventilation even cooped up at night?

They're lovely boys!
O.K.,I went and put an old towel around him and used a warm,wet washcloth to clean up around his eyes,comb and beak. I did the best I could with only a flashlight. Here's what he looks like now...a little wetter and a lot angrier

37777_100_0717.jpg foul smell, based on what I've read here and pictures I googled, I can rule out coryza for now....I guess I'll see how he is in the morning,if I don't go check every 20 mins......
Thanks a million 3horses...we really love these guys...they've got a ton of personality and I'd hate to lose them or see them suffer...We're totally going to check on that Bluebonnet feed. We just discovered our new feed store about a 1/2 hr. away, and I'll see if they have it...Will also follow the other suggestions and keep everyone posted. Thanks for the help everybody.
If you let me know what types of feed are around the area (wasn't sure which part of NC you were in) I can help find you some leads.
I LOVE feeds and researching what each area has.
Can you have a fecal done at your vet? He might have a heavy load of parasites that need treating. You didn't say if you saw any white.

I'm just sure I'd have him on antibiotics at this stage, not enough info there to warrant it.

Yes, I hesitate. I hesitate because its better I get them on the right antibiotic the first time.
I agree on all counts. The fecal egg count from the vet would be more accurate than trying to wait to see a possible worm in the feces as they more often shed the worms' eggs than the worms themselvves.
Thank you guys, I wanted to report that colonel is much better so far. He's much more active with a better appetite and is lifting his tail. I have noticed that his diarrhea hasn't improved much, but he is drinking a lot of water..medicated and regular...he's still being treated as second banana by his brother. I'm gonna start his probiotic treatment Thurs. after I get paid. I currently can't afford a vet, so any other tips for spotting parasites would be greatly appreciated...thanks from my family and I, and I'll continue to check the posts.
Skip, Colonel and Two-piece....
Wait - if you're medicating the water, that's the only water he should have. Otherwise you're undermining the efficacy of that medicine in the future for that bird and your flock.... so take the other water up. With meds, you either have to fully commit or don't use them unfortunately.

I'm glad he's doing well.

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