I know that you can feed chickens cooked pasta, so I do not know why you couldn't feed them raw pasta. If you haven't seen chickens eat cooked spaghetti, you should boil some up for them, sit back and watch the show!!!
I've been giving mine cooked pasta for about 2 weeks now, mainly spaghetti, and they jump all over each other to get to it. When people come over to see the chicks, I always say '"watch this" and bring out a hand full & everybody gets a great laugh.
Oh yes!! Picture a playground of children and you are doling out popsicles! I have 11 and four turned out to be roosters..I've been contemplating what to do about the roos and this morning when I fed them more noodles the alpha roo wanted to hog them all..explaining why my hens aren't maturing as they should..I think it's off to freezer camp for him!

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