Normal Chicken owner behavior??

Ruth Ann

9 Years
Apr 13, 2010
South Carolina
Is it normal for first time chicken owners to be so worried about their
chickens?? I worry mine are to cold...I worry their little feet are cold in the snow..
I worry they want a different type bread than
what we give them...LOL
I feel the urge to knit little chicken socks...
The other day when it snowed I put out a pan of warm water
for them to warm their feet.

Then someone told me that was bad for the chickens.
But I did set a few of the chickens in the warm water and they stood in it for a few mins.
< pat pat pat>. There, there, it's okay. You aren't alone. If you get a good pattern for chicken socks, can you share it?

Every time I put chicks out for their first full overnight in a coop, I worry all night. I've been worrying about the poor muddy youngsters, because they aren't as tall as the grown-up chickens so they are much muddier in this rain. All the chickens drink from mud puddles in the mucky run, when I have clean waterers out for them - makes me nuts.

They're coop hopping (I have 8 coops) and I wonder why they are moving around like that, are they having school yard bullying problems? Is somebody picking on somebody else? Name calling? Ridiculing? Who isn't being nice to the others? Wait, have *I* neglected some aspect of coop maintenance and that's why some are choosing to roost somewhere else?

Yah, you're not all that unusual.
Yeah, that's subsides with time. This morning I made a huge bowl of oatmeal that I added yogurt to and then added scratch and BOSS and some bread that was getting stale. All because it was cold and I wanted them to have something warm in their tummies! It subsides.....someday.
Oh heck ...ya just got chicken fever, it makes us delirious.

You will be fine once the fever breaks or ya end up with a flock like mine

I haz no cure

Well, normal is a balanced mind subject to excessive logic and highly organized. I turned my life over to almost 500 farm critters years ago, they take the money, time,logic, my schedule and mind and I don't mind at pun intended.....LOLjavascript:insert_text('
I haven't met many "normal" poultry lovers here on BYC, cause if they are, they don't stay long or they catch the "fever" from the rest of us..... We baby our animals and I'm proud of it!
You know Zazouse, I need to save that pic. As part of my defense when I tell DH..."see! At least I'm not that crazy!!"
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I hear what you are saying. This initial post could have been written by me! I'd like that sock pattern, too.


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