Norman the Rooster

I agree

I'm sooooo sorry for disappearing on you all like that. Between the holidays, the new year, and new projects & life changes, I just haven't had time for BYC. I've kept telling myself I'd "log on tonight" and other such things but kept not getting around to it or getting stressed and not wanting to do it then. In any case, I realized today how much time had passed (over a month? Yikes indeed!) and decided I needed to just sit my butt down and apologize to y'all.

Norman and Norma are fine. They're doing very well, actually! Norma stopped laying over the month of December but has started again this week. Norman has fully molted in all his tail feathers, although his new hackles still have tons of dried casings I need to go through and scrape off. I haven't been attempting any more eggs since I last posted, but Norman has been acting more amorous as of late so I'm going to try some of Norma's eggs in the next hatch we set.

You guys can take these Norma(n) photos as tokens of my apology. They aren't super great, it was getting kinda dark at the time - I took these today just before we closed the shop. We were feeding Norman and Norma some bits of meat from a stew my boss brought in. They were hanging out on the barbecue we have out front of the shop (which is actually just to prevent the awning from flying away during storms - although customers have made jokes about it being there to remind the roosters to keep in line!) Featuring my girlfriend and boss, lol.


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Queen Misha is back !!!
. You are forgiven though some of us may carry a grudge.

Nice to see your GF and the happy couple, Norman & Norma. If you don't have any good stories to share please make some up. We have suffered greatly in your absence, and need to build up trust again.
Thank you for the update and the pics. Norman looks so nice with all of new feathers that come in.

Have a great day and please keep us updated.

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