north east egg freeze


9 Years
Nov 4, 2014
yea it's alittle cold in these parts, pretty much all the eggs are frozen. waited 2 days.
gonna have to get the eggs every day .
Collecting eggs once or even twice a day is a good habit to instill. It also ensures that your flock has proper amounts of water and food throughout the day. Especially when water tends to freeze so easily in the winter which can lead to a major dehydration problem. As for frozen eggs, just try thawing them out over a heat lamp or by a light fire. Hope this helps!
gonna have to get the eggs every day
Ha! Try every hour!
Depending on how cold it is I sometimes check/gather every hour or two.
Some of the birds are hanging out in the nests during this cold snap,
keeps the eggs from freezing and thankfully they are not pooping in there.
I was away 3 days for the coldest part of last week, the high temperatures were only in the teens. Cold but not THAT cold.

Set the heated nest boxes to stay on overnight. First time I ever did this.

Zero cracked eggs... saved over 2 dozen from surely freezing.

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