North to Alaska!

For the dog attack....if the other chickens aren't pecking on him, I would keep them together, less stress for him.

As to a good Alaskan coop, don't forget venting, and you might not need any heat lamp in the winter...where are you located? As in, arctic blasts? -70? Or that warm area down by Juno? :D
What kind of chickens do you have? I just went through my first winter with chickens . . I live near Central (mega cold). I had a white light for 8 hours/day and they layed well all winter. I, too, used a red light at night when it was super cold (most of the time). I never let my coop get below freezing and have a remote temperature reader in my house. Otherwise, I would have gone crazy running out there in the middle of the night to check the temp! I was probably too over-cautious (I don't have electricity) and paid through the nose to keep my generator running all that time. But I figured it was worth it. Now that I've lost so many chickens and had so many problems I am downsizing my flock before winter and perhaps build a smaller coop attached to the house that I can heat with a battery operated fan .. pushing heat through a vent pipe from the house. It's what I originally wanted to do but many friends discouraged me.

If anyone has experience with this type of scenario I would appreciate any input.
We have 4 buff orpingtons 1 silver laced wyandotte and 1 cinnamon queen. we are building our coop out of recycled pallets and is not quite done yet. It's my understanding that you don't want the coop to big as the chickens body heat will help keep them warm.

In the middle pic the chickens are enjoying some frozen red salmon egg's. They just love them!!!!
Salmon eggs! I was feeding my chickens Salmon and my friend said that the eggs will taste fishy! I quit giving them Salmon but never noticed the taste in any of the eggs. Wonder if this is actually true?

Looks like you will be getting some heat for your coop from the house?

I heard that too - about making the coop small for body heat . . you may not even need supplemental heat. Anyway, maybe the type of chickens I have, Buckeyes, but they did not do well during the winter and I hear tell it could be due to the length of confinement (6 months). But they were picking after a couple months and I got rid of the real bad girls. One of the reasons I got them was reading that they were one of the best known for NOT picking. Well, live and learn I guess.

Good luck to you. Your coop looks awesome!
I only give them salmon eggs once in awhile,it's a good source of protein. Guess I will have to see what the eggs taste like when they start laying. I know salmon eggs taste a lot like chicken eggs tho.
I have fed my chickens salmon, and never noticed anything odd about their eggs, but the salmon was never a big part of their diet. Then again, would you care if the eggs were a bit fishy?

I had giant problems with my chickens eating each other, I am not as cold as you'll are, but I get ten plus feet of snow easily, lots of wind, and ,months of them stuck in their coop.

I just kept making things bigger. They have an insulated coop, attached to an uninsulated shed with lots of vents, which is attached to a greenhouse (ripple plastic sheets, it blocks most of the wind, but hold no heat. It's big benefit is that it is light. The coop and the shed get very dark in the winter because of the deep snow.)

I am hoping to add on a little bit of covered run before winter (I know, not much time left :rolleyes: )
What kind of chickens do you have?  I just went through my first winter with chickens . . I live near Central (mega cold).  I had a white light for 8 hours/day and they layed well all winter.  I, too, used a red light at night when it was super cold (most of the time).  I never let my coop get below freezing and have a remote temperature reader in my house.  Otherwise, I would have gone crazy running out there in the middle of the night to check the temp!  I was probably too over-cautious (I don't have electricity) and paid through the nose to keep my generator running all that time.  But I figured it was worth it.  Now that I've lost so many chickens and had so many problems I am downsizing my flock before winter and perhaps build a smaller coop attached to the house that I can heat with a battery operated fan .. pushing heat through a vent pipe from the house.  It's what I originally wanted to do but many friends discouraged me. 

If anyone has experience with this type of scenario I would appreciate any input.

What did you keep loosing chickens to?

I should have added that my coop does most definitely get below freezing. In the dead of winter hot water poured into their bowl turns into a solid block by afternoon.
Sorry to admit that I am not really familiar with Forums and am not totally sure who I am replying to. LOL. Anyway, I have lost many chickens in 1 year. The first 3 were during the winter. Some of the hens were picking and I knew that had to stop or I would have NO chickens. Took out 4 of them. Things were better for awhile then it started up again. Some of the chickens had half their feathers gone. I feed them organic layer pellets (have switched to crumbles) supplemented with "scratch" or "cracked corn" , cabbage almost every day/table scraps (hung from the ceiling in a huge suet holder). Food yes, but mostly to give them something to do . . batting the thing around to get the food out. Then I started giving the blood thirsty savages "suet" - like you give the birds. In a suet holder, mostly to keep them busy. Oyster shell, sand bath box. I think what they really needed was ROOM. Which, in my climate, would be impossible to heat. So.

This summer I have lost 4 more. Just dead. No discernible reason. My friend thinks they died of heart failure as a result of stress from the winter confinement (6 months). I do have a very dominant hen who pecks the heads of her friends. Wondering if she just pecked in the wrong place and they died. All had their eyes closed. No blood. Very traumatic for me . . to go into the hen house and find another dead. 2 were dead in their laying boxes, one just on the floor and one at the bottom of the ladder type perch setup, upside down, dead.

I'm starting to think I'm not a chicken person. But I love having them! I even have a pet chicken in my laundry room. Her name is Miss Chicken. She was pecked so badly that I brought her in to save her. She lives in a huge dog kennel and goes outside with me whenever she wants. She is the only "free range" chicken I have. Many hawks, eagles, owls, fox around here. I have continually tried to reintroduce her to the flock but there are one or two that attack her. She has a wonderful personality and I enjoy her. She is spoiled and will hit the wall of her kennel if she wants out. But, winter is coming. Nothing stays the same. Decisions need to be made.

Animals give us tremendous joy and make us laugh .. . Is the heartbreak worth it? That statement begs the question, "why do we get so attached to our animals?" I am really upset to find out that chickens are so smart. I always thought they had to be dumb as they were created for food .. for just about everyone and everything. Well, they aren't and anyone who treats them inhumanely needs to know that.

Here's a story to prove it: My "Miss Chicken" was outside one day. My cats were on the screen porch and I heard this tremendous ruckus. I peaked my head out the door and saw the cat on one side of the screen and Miss Chicken on the other. Miss Chicken was flying/squawking/attacking my cat - through the screen. The cat moved a couple feed to the screen door and the chicken continued the same behavior . . attacking her through the screen. I thought it very strange. I went out the back door and called the chicken, who promptly came running .. into the laundry room and into her kennel and . . . a few minutes later layed an egg. OK> I totally believe that she was trying to get the cat to let her in! I know it sounds bizarre but THAT is what she was doing. So, she is not stupid. I'm not a shrink but she was definitely "thinking".

What say you?

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