North to Alaska!

Nope, they got rid of him. But there is one other dog in the neighborhood that killed three of my chickens last fall. That one, "Buddy" is still around. His owner tries to keep him locked up, but I have seen him on my property at least once this summer. He is super big too, so he could go through just about any fence he felt like.

I am still traumatized over it :rolleyes: Don't even let my new chicks out in their large fenced run anymore. I made a tiny close to Fort Knox little run, and that is all my new pullets get.

I rather hate dogs now, but I suppose I should only be mad at owners who let chicken killing dogs wander.
Have you thought of running 1 or 2 electric wires around the outside of your fence? One zap and you won't have a problem anymore. If you put one wire close to the ground and one higher up you won't have to worry about raccoons or dogs. Just a thought. Dogs don't like pain.

A shame not to let your chickens out as much as possible.

It definitely is the owner's fault. Don't hate dogs .. their misbehavior, no matter what it is, is directly related to how they are, or have been treated. Although a dog running loose may as well be a wolf - the predator instinct comes out (especially if there is more than one).

Hope you find a solution.
Electric fence around the horse paddock never kept our dog out of it. Even on super high, leave a burn mark on a human, he was smart enough to figure out how to make sure he didn't touch his nose or paws to it.

Also, we don't have raccoons, I didn't think there were any raccoons in Alaska.

And, the electric fence is a pain to maintain, the bottom wire gets hidden in the weeds in nothing flat, and then in the winter time the snow covers the entire world in multiple feet that helps to ground out the fence.

It was fine in keeping the horses in, i am sure it would be great with cattle, it worked alright with keeping moose out, bear would just walk through stretching and breaking wire, and it didn't stop anything small. And then of course you have power problems (we are on the grid, but loose power on occasion).

I am happier with giving my chickens a much smaller covered, stronger, more impenetrable run, that doesn't rely on electricity.
I was reading a thread regarding the problems people have with chicken mites. I have never heard of a mite problem with chickens in AK. Is it true that there are no mites .. especially in the Interior?
Would certainly love to here that there are no mites in AK. However after this summer I could see how it could be a problem. A benefit to long cold winters after all!
I've tried to look it up online but can't find anything. I'm just assuming it's one of the plusses . . no snakes, no wood ticks, no raccoons (?) and no mites. Now that's worth living here! Plus the bears sleep in the winter .. what more can a person ask for?

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