North to Alaska!

I don't think you need any heat in Wasilla.

And i don't always use a light. I let them have a month or two of darkness, and greatly reduced laying, and then start to turn the light on. I think it is good, and keeps them healthier, if they have a laying break. For the super organized types you could get them to have a break from laying during the coldest part of the year, so all energy go towards keeping warm.

My big problem is the water. Keeping the water unfrozen is a royal pain for me. And all resulting water mess issues, ug!
Wasilla, unfortunately see's many days that go below 0 and can have a few weeks here and there that will reach -20.
As far as the water goes, I read on one of the boards that someone put a fish tank heater (one that wouldn't crack if it was dry) in to the top of a plastic water container and silicone it the cut out around the heater top closed. He then covered the wire with pipe so the birds didn't peck at it. From what I remember the water apparently stayed warm all winter long and the birds didn't seem to mind it. Think I might give it a try.
Oh, and as to coop mess, i used to use shavings, and the poop would make this giant frozen teepee on top of the shavings.

Even with no water in the coop, the shavings would freeze together into a giant block. I have high humidity since i am on the coast.

Anyway, this summer I installed poop trays under all of my perches. I think that they are close to miraculous, that is how good they are, and how much cleaner the coop stays. Wow!

I am hoping that the poop trays will = a much cleaner and easier to keep clean coop (i don't think the PDZ will freeze into a solid clump) and the poop trays do greatly increase the square footage of my coop.

Large square footage is vital in the winter to help cut down on cannibalism and related nasties.
We installed poop boards as well with PDZ and love it. I have not had to clean the coop floor since, only having to spot clean. Guess we will find out soon enough if it will freeze! The wood chips that I use are on the coop floor, but I guess in the winter freezing could still be an issue as the girls will be spending more time in the coop. Maybe I should put a layer of straw down over the chips. We have 64 square feet for 7 birds, 4 of them are BO , 1 red star, 1 black star and 1 black australop. The last 3 girls are new and they are not all getting along yet. They had better figure it out before the cold sets in!
Nice to see that we (Alaskans) have an active thread! I live in Palmer.

I'm 100% new to this, so I am seeking as much help as possible. Of course there is there reading, and reading, and reading, and....

But I'm a pretty social guy, and would love to sit with some fellow Valley folks over some coffee (or beer!).

I acquired a coop (yesterday) and I am seeking some birds, I found some young Red sex-links on CL that I am hoping to get a hold of.

Starting by just trying to manage a laying flock, and plan to add meat/dual-purpose when I get the layers squarely handled. All of that in order to supplement feeding 7 children.

To start with; FEED.

Where is the best place for feed, locally? Any non-gmo providers? Any savings in mixing one's own feed?

Some answers are likely already (hidden) here, and I'll keep looking :)



Welcome! I have found that Walmart had the best prices on feed however I prefer to get mine from Alaska Mill and Feed because it is Alaska made. I was just in 3 bears and they carry it as well. I have priced out making my own, and there is more to it then meets the eye and a lot of the main ingredients are already pricey as it stands. I look forward to hearing from others on what they feed their girls.

If we could get a few more valley people together it would be fun to have a flock talk once in a while.

Good luck on finding your birds, I found that the birds on craigslist go fast.

If you have any questions just ask.
Our 4 BO's

The 3 new additions! Hope they settle in soon, they are so skittish! Want to be able to let they out and free range with the other girls but am afraid they will go hide and not come back!

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